The blog is another constructive tool. It is mentioned as a constructive tool because the author authoring the blog page have the right to edit, write, insert images, reflect on learning, create link, insert PowerPoint presentations and all.
So during that class we created a blog using which is a free blog platform which gives writers an opportunity to maintain a daily journal and reflection . It can be used by teacher as well as students for teaching and learning purposes.
The students can use it to write down their understanding of concept in the blog as a reflection and as well as teachers can use it to engage into reflective practice. The teacher can also use it to assess the students' learning and can help them to get better insight of students' learning.
Currently I am using my blog to reflect on my learning of ICT and how to integrate them into teaching and learning. I have my classmates following me in my blog which helps to give me constructive feedback on my reflection and I can therefore improve and further strengthen my learning reflection.
You can create a blog by going to and create new blog.
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