Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Digital Native verses Digital Immigrant

I am a digital native because I am born in the world of technology, I make use of most of the technologies that are around me such as phone, computer, laptop, and television. Digital native refers to those who are expert and uses most of the technologies. 
During the class we were made to calculate how much time we spent on technologies mentioned above. I found out that I spend almost 50% of my day using those digitals. 

Digital immigrant are those who are usually born before 1980's, they learn how to use the technologies and uses them but they are not expert in using them as the native.  some typical characteristics of digital immigrants are they would print out the document in order to edit them instead of doing it on screen, they sent and email as well as call to inform them about the email being sent. 

Why we need to learn about ICT and why we need to use it in teaching and learning?

We need to integrate ICT into everyday teaching and learning as the youth today are far advanced in using technologies, they are more interested to learn things which excites them. The teacher being the sage on the stage will not work anymore, they will get bored to remain idle and being passive listener.  they will take interest in things which they don't know and to be taught in the way they want and prefer.  Therefore ICT helps to cater to all kinds of learners. 

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